Algernon a écrit:
For 32 years, fans have been clamoring for a reunion. The wait is over. Todd Rundgren, Kasim Sulton, Willie Wilcox and Ralph Schucket (“Todd Rundgren’s Utopia”) are returning for a 2018 tour. Watch their reunion interview and catch them on the road this spring.
nunu a écrit:Il a ressorti un disque l'an dernier avec des featuring entre autres de Donald FAgen, DAryl Hall et joe Walsh
Algernon a écrit:Alleluia ! Todd réussit (enfin) la fusion jubilatoire de la pop de l'electro (techno, house ?), de la soul, aussi avec des éléments bien à lui. Les références pullulent. ('Buy My T') Hommage à Prince ou parodie des SS ?
Il y a même de la pure ('Let's Do This'). Il y a des guitares, il y a des guests : party time. Un peu labo de Franke... Dexter, mais c'est bon
De quoi passer une white night.
Todd Rundgren's latest fuses his pop-wizard side and his studio-contrarian side more than usual, pulling an impressively odd array of stars into his vortex – from Trent Reznor (the android-apocalypse "Deaf Ears") to soulstress Betty Lavette (the bleary electro-hustle "Naked & Afraid") to Robyn (the Eighties tearjerker "That Could’ve Been Me"). Inconsistency is like a muse here, but he seems to work best with Seventies peers like Joe Walsh, Daryl Hall and Donald Fagen, whose smooth Donald Trump parody "Tin Foil Hat" is a timely highlight.
C'était en direct mes premières impressions.
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