J'ai un problème avec mon serveur de mail. Alors je chatte avec un agent de mon hébergeur. Mais diantre, il prend une plombe entre chaque réponse ! Alors je m'amuse... Ça donne ça
Le mec: Hello, how can I help you ?
Moi: Hi, I want to configure my mail address. But the smtp address mail.rock6070.com doesn't work.
Moi: Are you still there ?
Moi: Hello ???
Moi: Oh, I hope you're not dying behind your screen...
Moi: Is there anything I can do for you ? Do you want me to call your mom ?
Moi: a
Moi: b
Moi: c
Moi: d
Moi: e
Moi: f
Moi: g
Le mec: :)Sorry please
Le mec: 1 sec, please
Moi: You're alive ! Fine !
Le mec : Do you get error message when you are trying to send mail?
Le mec: Provide it please
Moi: It's in french
Moi: It tells something like "the server has rejected this address"
Moi: Breathe !
Le mec: I am checking