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 Sujet du message: Asia
MessagePosté: Mar Déc 25, 2012 6:38 pm 
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Inscription: Dim Nov 11, 2007 12:01 am
Messages: 4071
Localisation: Traveller in time
pas de chance ,le groupe a dû annuler sa tournée de 30 ème anniversaire car Carl Palmer est sérieusement souffrant d 'une grave infection.J 'espère qu'on ne le retrouvera pas bientôt dans la rubrique "pleurons .." nozz

He was the wizard of a thousand kings..

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 Sujet du message: Re: Asia
MessagePosté: Mar Déc 25, 2012 8:07 pm 
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Inscription: Lun Déc 22, 2008 10:16 pm
Messages: 31936
Localisation: Acme Factory
Il déguste avec la Escherichia coli. C'est pas marrant.

‘I could hardly stand up to the infection’ : Carl Palmer talks about his decision to bow out of Asia tour

Drummer Carl Palmer describes his excruciating experience with E. coli in a new message to fans, a day after his illness forced the cancellation of a UK tour in celebration of his band Asia’s 30th anniversary.
“I have always been proud of the fact that I have never cancelled a tour in my professional career, in 47 years as a musician,” says Palmer, in a new message on his Web site. “It had always been a personal goal of mine to maintain this feat, now sadly lost.”
Palmer, who rose to fame as a member of Emerson Lake and Palmer, subsequently joined a second supergroup in Asia in the early 1980s. Along with bassist and frontman John Wetton (King Crimson/UK), guitarist Steve Howe (Yes) and keyboardist Geoff Downes (Buggles/Yes), the group would issue the best selling album in the United States in 1982, their eponymous debut album.
Three decades later, Asia has issued a new studio release, titled XXX, and was in the midst of a tour in support of the album — when Palmer was struck down. A doctor’s visit broke the bad news.
“I was given less than a 10% chance of playing the tour,” Palmer said. “On Thursday afternoon, I had lost my battle and under strict instructions from my doctors I was told I had to cancel. By this time I could hardly stand up to the infection. E-coli had completely taken over.”
Asia had been scheduled to play seven dates this month — including Birmingham, Edinburgh, Manchester and London — beginning tomorrow and continuing through December 22, 2012. Refunds are available where the original tickets were sold, according to Asia.
“I would like to say to the people of Holmfirth and my home city of Birmingham, and to all the other places we were about to play,” Palmer added, “please accept my deepest apologies.”

Sinon, musicalement Asia baillz

Il est parfaitement superflu de connaître les choses dont on parle. Je dirais même que la sincérité en général dénote un certain manque d'imagination.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Asia
MessagePosté: Mer Déc 26, 2012 4:57 pm 
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Inscription: Mar Jan 24, 2012 3:15 pm
Messages: 4700
Localisation: A l'ouest
J'espère qu'il va se remettre rapidement, afin de pouvoir reprendre sur scène cette fameuse chanson de Sheila : "Mais, mais oui, l'E Coli fini !"

Sinon, musicalement, Asia... baillz

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 Sujet du message: Re: Asia
MessagePosté: Mer Déc 26, 2012 5:12 pm 
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Inscription: Dim Nov 11, 2007 12:01 am
Messages: 4071
Localisation: Traveller in time
J'espère qu'il va se remettre rapidement, afin de pouvoir reprendre sur scène cette fameuse chanson de Sheila : "Mais, mais oui, l'E Coli fini !"

Sinon, musicalement, Asia... baillz
Joli! :lol:
Asia ,il y a du pour et du contre...J adore Wettton mais pas spécialement dans Asia.

He was the wizard of a thousand kings..

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 Sujet du message: Re: Asia
MessagePosté: Mer Déc 26, 2012 7:00 pm 
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Inscription: Mar Jan 24, 2012 3:15 pm
Messages: 4700
Localisation: A l'ouest
J'ai beaucoup écouté (et aimé !) le premier... Et puis non, la, maintenant, à mon âge et à l'heure qu'il est, je ne peux plus, c'est plus fort que moi... J'ai pourtant essayé Aura, Alpha, Astra, Omega... J'en suis pas gaga, ça me rend tout raplapla nozz

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