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 Sujet du message: Re: Frank Sinatra
MessagePosté: Dim Fév 13, 2011 7:03 am 
Another Book :

'Ava tells me she's told you things you shouldn't know. Let me tell you this: you never tell anyone - not in my lifetime.' This is the warning that Michael Munn received over the telephone from Ol'Blue Eyes himself when he was spending time at Ava Gardner's house one day. Suffice it to say that he has never spoken to anyone about the contents of this book until now, after Frank Sinatra's death. Sinatra: The Untold Story is an extraordinary book that gives us an insight into the darker side of Frank's life - in particular his dealings with the Mob, and how he made a secret pact with the FBI to nail Chicago Mob Boss Sam Giancana as the man behind the conspiracy to kill Marilyn Monroe. The author unearths new evidence that contradicts the accepted accounts of Monroe's death and inevitably implicates the Kennedies, the FBI, and CIA and the Mafia. We learn how Sinatra feared for Monroe's safety after being shown photos of a drugged and drunk Monroe by Giancana. And how Sinatra was questioned by the FBI after Monroe's death. And how Giancana then sent Sinatra the skin of a lamb's head (signifying that he was soon to be killed) for his part in the FBI investigation. The author tracks Sinatra's vendetta against Giancana and his struggles to get free from the Mafia's control in later life. This fascinating biography contains exclusive material and has extremely wideranging implications.
About the Author
Michael Munn was a personal friend of Ava Gardner when he was a film publicist in 1974. He is now a well-established actor and TV producer in the eastern counties. The author of The Hollywood Murder Casebook and The Hollywood Connection, Michael Mann is considered an authority on the subject of Hollywood murder mysteries and he has appeared in a US documentary and Radio 2's The Mob Rules.

 Sujet du message: Re: Frank Sinatra
MessagePosté: Dim Fév 13, 2011 7:05 am ... -tim-adams

 Sujet du message: Re: Frank Sinatra
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 06, 2011 10:26 am 
Why sinatra matters ???


Parce que...parce que, comme le dirait Iggy Pop ou Morrison ou Morrissey, quand il chante, c'eest ses tripes qui sont sur la table, exemple :

Oui, là c'est Nat King Cole, et c'est superbe

Mais... :

Et ouais, là c'est Sinatra, et il y a du sang, de la sueur et des larmes...des tripes sur la table...rare qu'un blanc bec surpasse un noir, c'et bon de le souligner, je crois ! coolzz

 Sujet du message: Re: Frank Sinatra
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 20, 2011 8:46 am 
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Inscription: Dim Juin 13, 2010 1:23 am
Messages: 1653
Localisation: Aulnay sous Bois

Je connais pas bien Frank Sinatra et ma préférée de celles que je connaisse est fly me to the moon. Classique. lovemauve

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 Sujet du message: Re: Frank Sinatra
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 20, 2011 8:53 am 
Frank Sinatra + Count Basie (and orchestra) + Quincy Jones = imparable ! coolzz


 Sujet du message: Re: Frank Sinatra
MessagePosté: Dim Mar 20, 2011 8:55 am 
Qui a un prédécesseur :


Et une "version" live :


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