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Forum de rock6070 • Afficher le sujet - Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)

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 Sujet du message: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Mer Fév 09, 2011 9:35 pm 
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Inscription: Sam Juil 14, 2007 4:36 pm
Messages: 53

je cherche en vain l'album d'ATOMIC FOREST - "Obsession 77" enregistré en 1973 mais sorti début 80. Killer Fuzzy wahwah & organ-driven !

Superbe groupe d'Inde qui mélange influences Hendrixienne et Cream en y apportant une touche orientale.

Attention je sais qu'il existe une compil qui s'appelle Obsession ou l'on retrouve ce groupe mais moi je parle de l'album.


un extrait ici CA CALME ! boudiou
Merci d'avance

The 90 minutes long Radio Show superbly highlights 60s psychedelic music, garage punk, Rock'n'Roll, punk rock, acid-rock, beat, r'n'b, soul, space-rock, progrock, krautrock AND all good now-sound can be heard on Stoned Circus

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Mer Fév 09, 2011 10:20 pm 
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Inscription: Ven Aoû 01, 2008 5:21 pm
Messages: 881
la version de deep purple mary long

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Jeu Fév 10, 2011 7:11 am 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 11, 2007 12:28 am
Messages: 40975
Localisation: Étable - 3e rangée à gauche
Je t'aiderais volontiers, mais... Sur un réseau privé où on trouve presque tout (, il y a 5 personnes qui demandent cet album depuis plus d'un an et personne ne semble l'avoir...

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Jeu Fév 10, 2011 1:53 pm 
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Inscription: Ven Jan 16, 2009 4:23 am
Messages: 6039
Localisation: 13° 30' S 34° 00' E
D'autres extraits ici ->


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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Jeu Fév 10, 2011 2:53 pm 
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Inscription: Sam Juil 14, 2007 4:36 pm
Messages: 53
@ Witchi

merci je sais que cet album est très difficile à trouver. c'est justement le défi ! yeah2z

j'ai cherché partout. vraiment dommage ça a l'air d'être une bombe ce disque


The 90 minutes long Radio Show superbly highlights 60s psychedelic music, garage punk, Rock'n'Roll, punk rock, acid-rock, beat, r'n'b, soul, space-rock, progrock, krautrock AND all good now-sound can be heard on Stoned Circus

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Jeu Fév 10, 2011 2:57 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Oct 08, 2008 3:08 pm
Messages: 4154
Localisation: +43° 42' 5.31", +6° 59' 27.38"
Si tu le trouve et peut y mettre le prix batez

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Mer Jan 18, 2012 9:52 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 11, 2007 12:28 am
Messages: 40975
Localisation: Étable - 3e rangée à gauche
Tu le cherches toujours ? Je l'ai maintenant...

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Mer Jan 18, 2012 10:30 pm 
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Inscription: Sam Juil 14, 2007 4:36 pm
Messages: 53
oui biensur que cela m'intéresse ! merci

Tu le cherches toujours ? Je l'ai maintenant...

The 90 minutes long Radio Show superbly highlights 60s psychedelic music, garage punk, Rock'n'Roll, punk rock, acid-rock, beat, r'n'b, soul, space-rock, progrock, krautrock AND all good now-sound can be heard on Stoned Circus

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Mer Jan 18, 2012 10:33 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 11, 2007 12:28 am
Messages: 40975
Localisation: Étable - 3e rangée à gauche
Je le dépose sur mon serveur dans la journée, je mettrai le lien ici.

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Mer Jan 18, 2012 10:40 pm 
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Inscription: Sam Juil 14, 2007 4:36 pm
Messages: 53
SUPER ! yeah2z vraiment cool. j'attends ça avec impatience

Je le dépose sur mon serveur dans la journée, je mettrai le lien ici.

The 90 minutes long Radio Show superbly highlights 60s psychedelic music, garage punk, Rock'n'Roll, punk rock, acid-rock, beat, r'n'b, soul, space-rock, progrock, krautrock AND all good now-sound can be heard on Stoned Circus

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Mer Jan 18, 2012 11:23 pm 
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Inscription: Dim Nov 08, 2009 12:41 am
Messages: 4553
Localisation: Anger(s)
Je t'aiderais volontiers, mais... Sur un réseau privé où on trouve presque tout (, il y a 5 personnes qui demandent cet album depuis plus d'un an et personne ne semble l'avoir...

c'est quoi ce réseau ??

labels >>>

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Mer Jan 18, 2012 11:40 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 11, 2007 12:28 am
Messages: 40975
Localisation: Étable - 3e rangée à gauche

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Jeu Jan 19, 2012 1:00 am 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 11, 2007 12:28 am
Messages: 40975
Localisation: Étable - 3e rangée à gauche
Argh, zut... En dézipant l’album, je vois que le mec qui l’a balancé sur le serveur a rempli une requête pour l’album que tu cherchais, mais a déposé Obsession... Une compilation donc, mais du même groupe dans ses différentes formes. Tiens, le détail, dis-moi si ça t’intéresse quand même...

Standing as the most thorough document of the Indian psychedelic/hard rock scene, Obsession collects a wealth of rare and unreleased psychedelic rock and funk from the various incarnations of the Atomic Forest.

Atomic Forest stand as the only Indian psychedelic/hard rock band that managed to record an album: 'Obsession ’77'. The album’s mix of blistering, fuzzy rock and synth-lead funk inspired collectors the world over to fork over thousands for original copies of this until recently barely known platter.

Part of the interest certainly stemmed from its liberal doses of searing fuzz guitar; part of it sprung from the oddity of it all; part of it sprung from the album’s rarity. India, a country that churned out tens of thousands of albums during psych-and hard-rock’s heyday, only produced this one lonely psychedelic album. Unknown for years, 'Obsession ’77' suddenly became a top want on every global-rock collector’s short-list.

Over the past four years, we at Now-Again Records have followed Atomic Forest’s sounds – and we’ve struck paydirt. Now, with the full participation of founding member / vocalist Madhukar Chandra Dhas and lead-guitarist Abraham Mammen, we present Obsession. This anthology collects songs from 'Obsession ’77', the band’s follow up 'Hit Film Themes' and unreleased studio and live recordings from Atomic Forest been shrouded in secrecy and rumor – clouded in a druggy haze.

Atomic Forest’s story stands in for the untold stories of many of India’s underground bands that have been lost to time. We’re glad that we discovered Atomic Forest; though their extant recordings are few, those recordings they etched to vinyl captured a powerful energy. That energy sparked our interest and fuels the fires of our imagination.

1 Obsession '77 (Fast)
2 Locomotive Breath
3 Mary Long
4 Sunshine Day
5 I Saw Her Standing There
6 Obsession '77 (Show)
7 Butterfly Version 1
8 Theme From The Godfather
9 Windmills Of Your Mind
10 Theme From The Fox
11 Butterfly Version
12 Booboo Lullaby
13 Man, You're Not Number One
14 Travel On
15 Jeff Beck Excerpt
16 Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)
17 Foxy Lady

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Jeu Jan 19, 2012 9:19 pm 
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Inscription: Sam Juil 14, 2007 4:36 pm
Messages: 53

Biensur que cela m'interesse, ça m'a l'air encore mieux que l'album cette compil. du groupe

merci d'avance,

je suis impatient

Argh, zut... En dézipant l’album, je vois que le mec qui l’a balancé sur le serveur a rempli une requête pour l’album que tu cherchais, mais a déposé Obsession... Une compilation donc, mais du même groupe dans ses différentes formes. Tiens, le détail, dis-moi si ça t’intéresse quand même...

Standing as the most thorough document of the Indian psychedelic/hard rock scene, Obsession collects a wealth of rare and unreleased psychedelic rock and funk from the various incarnations of the Atomic Forest.

Atomic Forest stand as the only Indian psychedelic/hard rock band that managed to record an album: 'Obsession ’77'. The album’s mix of blistering, fuzzy rock and synth-lead funk inspired collectors the world over to fork over thousands for original copies of this until recently barely known platter.

Part of the interest certainly stemmed from its liberal doses of searing fuzz guitar; part of it sprung from the oddity of it all; part of it sprung from the album’s rarity. India, a country that churned out tens of thousands of albums during psych-and hard-rock’s heyday, only produced this one lonely psychedelic album. Unknown for years, 'Obsession ’77' suddenly became a top want on every global-rock collector’s short-list.

Over the past four years, we at Now-Again Records have followed Atomic Forest’s sounds – and we’ve struck paydirt. Now, with the full participation of founding member / vocalist Madhukar Chandra Dhas and lead-guitarist Abraham Mammen, we present Obsession. This anthology collects songs from 'Obsession ’77', the band’s follow up 'Hit Film Themes' and unreleased studio and live recordings from Atomic Forest been shrouded in secrecy and rumor – clouded in a druggy haze.

Atomic Forest’s story stands in for the untold stories of many of India’s underground bands that have been lost to time. We’re glad that we discovered Atomic Forest; though their extant recordings are few, those recordings they etched to vinyl captured a powerful energy. That energy sparked our interest and fuels the fires of our imagination.

1 Obsession '77 (Fast)
2 Locomotive Breath
3 Mary Long
4 Sunshine Day
5 I Saw Her Standing There
6 Obsession '77 (Show)
7 Butterfly Version 1
8 Theme From The Godfather
9 Windmills Of Your Mind
10 Theme From The Fox
11 Butterfly Version
12 Booboo Lullaby
13 Man, You're Not Number One
14 Travel On
15 Jeff Beck Excerpt
16 Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)
17 Foxy Lady

The 90 minutes long Radio Show superbly highlights 60s psychedelic music, garage punk, Rock'n'Roll, punk rock, acid-rock, beat, r'n'b, soul, space-rock, progrock, krautrock AND all good now-sound can be heard on Stoned Circus

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 Sujet du message: Re: Atomic Forest "Obsession 77" - Killer Fuzz from India (1973)
MessagePosté: Jeu Jan 19, 2012 9:48 pm 
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Inscription: Mer Juil 11, 2007 12:28 am
Messages: 40975
Localisation: Étable - 3e rangée à gauche
Voilà donc. coucouz

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